三尾 瑠璃 Ruri Mitsuo

作家 染色・テキスタイル
略歴: | |
2016 | 多摩美術大学美術学部生産デザイン学科テキスタイルデザイン専攻 卒業 |
2017 | 金沢卯辰山工芸工房 染工房 入所 |
2020 | 金沢卯辰山工芸工房 染工房 修了 |
2017 | 第39回 伝統加賀友禅工芸展 (石川県立美術館) |
2017 | 工芸とアートの金沢オークション (しいのき迎賓館) |
2018 | 第74回 金沢市工芸展 (めいてつエムザ) |
2018 | 金沢卯辰山工芸工房研修者作品展 (21世紀美術館) |
2018 | 花より工芸 金沢卯辰山工芸工房研修者作品展 (銀座の金沢) |
2018 | 第40回 伝統加賀友禅工芸展 (石川県立美術館) |
2018 | 金沢21世紀工芸祭 工芸回廊 |
2019 | 第75回 金沢市工芸展 (めいてつエムザ) |
2019 | アートフェア東京2019 (東京国際フォーラム) |
2019 | 金沢卯辰山工芸工房研修者作品展 (21世紀美術館) |
2019 | 鳥獣戯工芸展 金沢卯辰山工芸工房研修者作品展 (銀座の金沢) |
2019 | 第41回 伝統加賀友禅工芸展 (石川県立美術館) |
2019 | Asia Contemporary Art Show FALL 2019 EDITION (香港) |
2019 | Sakiyama Design ART 2019 (青山スパイラル) |
2020 | International contemporary art fair 「WHAAAAAT`S STUDIO OPENING」(台湾) |
2020 | 第76回 金沢市工芸展 (めいてつエムザ) |
2020 | 金沢卯辰山工芸工房研修者作品展 -TOKYO- (銀座の金沢) |
2021 | 金沢卯辰山工芸工房修了者作品展 (金沢クラフト広阪) |
2021 | アートフェア東京2021 (東京国際フォーラム) |
2021 | テキスタイルの未来形 in 宝塚 2021 (宝塚市立文化芸術センター) |
2021 | テキスタイルアート・ミニアチュール 7 -百花百宙- (ギャラリー5610) |
2021 | 三尾瑠璃展 -染の結晶- (日本橋高島屋S.C.本館2階アートアベニュー) |
Japanese textile artist
Biography | |
2016 | B.F.A., Department of Product and Textile Design, Textile Design Course of Tama Art University |
2017 | Entered in Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei studio |
2020 | Completed Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei studio |

In response to the presence today of numerous sold-off kimonos that have low value for wearing or kimonos disposed of as waste, the artist seeks out new forms and uses for kimonos through dyeing of used kimonos and other techniques. Through innovations suited to the kimonos of today, which increasingly are being valued for purposes of art appreciation instead of wearing, she introduces kimonos not necessarily intended for wearing as well as kimono-based works on planar surfaces, as pieces of art. Through the process of creating such works based on her goal of beautifully sublimating kimonos into new works of art that change with the times while respecting traditional techniques, she has developed a new dying technique that combines rust with plant-based dyes. In addition, by creating objets d’art and other works extending beyond the framework of dyeing, through combination of cloth with other materials, and kimonos that transform how we view today in beautiful ways, she also proactively seeks out new possibilities for expression using dyes.
三尾 瑠璃 Ruri Mitsuo